Thursday, July 24, 2008

Penny for your thoughts

After the show last Saturday I carried home this bag of pennies.  There was other stuff that got swept up, too.  My favorite was a piece of paper with a phone number, signed "XO".

You can see in this picture there was a muffin wrapper, a shoelace, but mostly if was lots of rubber shavings from the astroturf (the lawn costume).

Speaking of the lawn costume, THANKS A MILLION to Dave who volunteered to wear it.  

For anyone who hasn't seen The Curse, we have a set that's "played" by actors.  There's a tree that's played by a guy (Timothy) in a tree costume and a lawn played buy a guy in a lawn costume.  (I originally envisioned this as my dream role, but about halfway through the first episode I could feel my ligaments tearing from laying in such an unbearable position for so long.)  Luckily we found a replacement last time... thanks again to Dave for being such a good sport.  

Theoretically it's still my dream role to be some kind of non-speaking, non-moving, unacknowledged object on stage.  I'm going to keep building weird stuff until I find something that really works for me.  In the meantime I'm designing some collapsable bird houses and an indoor sprinkler system.

In case you missed the show last Saturday (July 19) --or if you're planning to see it on the 16th-- the aforementioned pennies were part of the costume I wore.  There was about $60 in pennies hot glued to my suit and it weighed about a million pounds.  A million and a half once I put on the tie.

I don't want to give away the surprise... but for the next show I'm expanding the penny suit idea and on Aug. 16th  there will be lots more money that people can win and I promise that SOMEBODY is going to pop out of a giant SOMETHING OR OTHER.

That's all I'm going to say... you'll have to see it to believe it anyways.

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