Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby's First Commercial

So this is more of a study of lady liberty than anything else.  But I'll let the the lady speak for herself.  Post-feminism should take this opportunity to speak for herself as well, IF this so-called lady, in fact, exists.  Ahem.  

Hello, darkness, my old friend.   

This is on the DL, so don't tell anybody else on the world wide web, but imichigannewyork is thinking about having a fashion show in America's fashion epicenter: Saginaw, MI (a depiction as "backyard" at some New York City Knights of Columbus Hall or New Museum equivalent.)   We're thinking of inviting Olympia, Washington's Abigail Adams and ourselves to present fashion.  Take a look at some of the fashion in the video and tell me whether or not your kid wouldn't wear that to a night out on the town---like a play and and an after-theatre walk through the park.  

If you know of any designers you think could jive with imichigannewyork, give us a little UGH! and we'll checkmout, ifyaknowhatahmsayin.

I post on Mondays,

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