Friday, August 1, 2008

Feeling Invaded

ItalicAll week I've felt invaded.  This morning I found holes in the trash--chewed through again (!!!)--and just now I saw a roach run out from under the kitchen table.  This has been an ongoing problem--one which runs arbitrarily alongside my cleaning schedule.  So much for Mr. Clean.

But the pests aren't the worst source of anxiety.  I've over-extended my working space so that it's taken up every plausible surface in my bedroom.  Last night I slept with some strips of cardboards beside me because that was the only place for them to dry.  

I've always loved that line from the Christmas story in the Bible that goes something like "And they laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn."  To me that's such an exciting image because it's both poignant and practical.  You totally could put a baby in a manger--it's such a no brainer when you consider it in retrospect.

Anyhow, for all of the romantic yearnings I feel towards resourcefulness--creative uses of space, especially--I can admit that it's hard living without my reading chair and the corner that I consider the "living" part of my bedroom.

**All said and done I'm really excited to show off the stuff I'm making.  It's going to be a really good show August 16 (10p.m. @ Dixon Place).  I'm keeping it a secret but it's going to be a lot of fun.  Check it out for sure!  

OH!!!  And we need a videographer.  Anyone want to make a few extra bucks and eat as many cupcakes as you can handle???